7 Tips To Beat Procrastination For Bloggers

Doubt and Inconsistent thinking are the behavioral patterns responsible for Procrastination. Regret, Anxiety and constant brooding are the consequent behavioral outputs of Procrastination. What is commonly evident is a sort of confusion and apprehension that things will not work out, inspite of your best efforts. It is pre-decided that, no matter, �how well you do to put in your best effort� � you will fail! BUT (and this is a big but) LET US NOT FORGET THAT WE CAN WALK THE PATH FROM NOTHING TO SOMETHING, AND SOMETHING THAT MATTERS! ONE STEP AT A TIME! THAT IS HOW WE LEARNED TO WALK AND TALK AS KIDS, RIGHT? In this article, we will study the 7 measures to counter procrastination by maintaining coordination between the mind and the body. The maintenance of mind to body coordination essentially means that: �the way you think in your mind� and �the way you act with your body� can be �balanced�. 1) Self-Reflection What is Self-reflection? Self-reflection is necessary to counter the ...